Located on the West Coast, the state of Oregon boasts an enticing medley of hiking and biking trails, historic sites, crater lakes, and beaches. Especially reputed for its fresh mountain air and natural beauty, this state offers something for just about everyone, whether you want to embark on an energetic adventure in the outdoors, or simply enjoy a long and relaxing scenic drive across one of its many byways. The primary producer of timber in the United States, Oregon is also known for its Seven Wonders, which include the Oregon Coast, Columbia River Gorge, Mount Hood, Wallowas, Smith Rock, Painted Hills and Crater Lake. Oregon is one of the rare states where you can indulge in fresh Pacific Northwest cuisine, with unique delicacies such as Dungeness Crab, Chicken Fried Steak breakfasts and even Maple and Bacon Voodoo Doughnuts on the local menu.

Cities in Oregon