With enough shoreline to stretch the entire border of Canada four-times, Newfoundland and Labrador makes the perfect tranquil getaway location. As the easternmost territory in Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador is home to the first European settlement in North America, Leif Ericson’s L’Anse aux Meadows. Winding fjords mark the landscape of both the continental and island sections of this territory, from the green plunges of Gros Morne National Park in the south to the rocky slopes of the Torngat Mountains to the north. For those looking for a beachside town environment, look no further than the territory’s capital St. John’s which features colorful neighborhoods, a rich cultural history, and modern seaside comfort. For a wild adventure, take a seasonal boat trip along the coastline in search of humpback whales breaching the surrounding sea and creating an unforgettable maritime memory.

Cities in Newfoundland and Labrador