Suiteness BlogKeeping it easy when traveling with familyWritten by Blaire McCoyPublished March 6, 2023

Keeping it easy when traveling with family 

Family travel has always existed but in recent years we have seen a dynamic shift in how families like to travel and for good reason too. Many families are finding that travel provides the perfect opportunity to bond, create lasting memories, and experience new things together…and they want to do this with more than their immediate family. People are traveling with multiple families. Extended Families. Friends that feel like families. Not quite a group but larger than your average independent room.

When traveling with family, it’s important to keep things easy and stress-free. Here are some tips to help you plan a successful family trip:

Choose the Right Destination

  1. Choosing the right destination is the key to a successful family trip. Ask your family what kind of vacation they want - beach, mountains, or lake?
  2. Do they want to be active or relax?
  3. How much are we looking to cook and clean on the vacation?
  4. What destination(s) can we absolutely NOT go to on this vacation?
  5. Once you have narrowed down your options, consider the interests and ages of your family members. For example, if you have young children, you may want to choose a destination with kid-friendly attractions and activities. Check out these blogs for help!

Select the Right Accommodation

Choosing the right accommodation just as important as selecting your destination, maybe even more so when traveling with family. You want to make sure that everyone is comfortable and has enough space. Renting a vacation home or apartment can provide amenities like a full kitchen, laundry facilities, and separate bedrooms, but be cautious of the rules of the home or apartment. Often you are required to do things like the dishes, take out the trash, clear the sheets, etc. which doesn't always give our travelers the "vacation vibe" they're looking for.

Traveling with families no longer means that we are required to stay in a house or home even though we are on a vacation. You can also use online resources like Suiteness, which offers guaranteed connecting rooms and Suites in destinations which are perfect for traveling with families and large groups. This way, when the kids go to sleep, your vacation is still a vacation, with all of the amenities of your favorite hotels and resorts!

After you've booked Accommodations, now what?

  1. Plan Your Activities. When planning your activities, consider the interests and ages of your family members. Make sure that there is something for everyone to enjoy. You can also consider using a concierge service, which can help you plan activities and make reservations. If you book through Suiteness, this service is free of charge! TripIt is a great free tool to organize for multiple families or just yours.
  2. Consider Transportation. Transportation is an important consideration when traveling with family. If you’re traveling with a large group, consider renting a car or van instead of relying on public transportation or taxis. This can be more cost-effective and convenient, especially if you have young children.
  3. Pack Smart. Packing for a family can be challenging, but there are ways to make it easier. Make a list of essentials and make sure that everyone has what they need. You can also use the Packing Pro app to help you stay organized.
  4. Involve Everyone in the Planning Process
  5. When planning your family trip, involve everyone in the planning process. This can help ensure that everyone is happy and engaged in the trip. Consider letting each family member choose an activity or attraction that they want to visit.
  6. Be Flexible. While it’s important to have a plan, it’s also important to be flexible. Unexpected events can happen, and you may need to adjust your plans. Try to stay calm and make the most of your time together.

Of course, family travel does come with its own set of challenges. Planning a trip that meets the needs and preferences of everyone in the family can be a daunting task. However, with careful planning and communication, it is possible to create a trip that everyone will enjoy. It’s important to involve everyone in the planning process, from choosing the destination to deciding on activities and accommodations. Another challenge of family travel is the cost. Travel can be expensive, especially when you’re traveling with multiple people. However, there are ways to reduce costs, such as taking advantage of travel deals & choosing budget-friendly destinations. The benefits of traveling with family are numerous, from strengthening relationships to creating lifelong memories.

Whether it’s a road trip, a cruise, or a trip abroad, family travel can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience…it can also be stressful to plan. Check out Suiteness, we've got you covered.

Updated 3/13/23